Monday, May 11, 2015

This is the blog where I'll post my 20% Time information!

April 3rd
Today is the day I built this website. It feels really good to just type freely like this. Once you prep the typing, you can go for as long as you want and it formats itself. I love it. Anyway, today I also finished the "What can HTML do?" section of my HTML Website. You can go check that out on the sidebar on the left. These posts will be weekly, so if you have managed a way to keep up with them, expect that. This particular post will be very short as all there is to talk about is talking about talking about my blog. If that makes sense! Vi ses!

April 10th
Today we just got back our 20% Time presentation rubric. If you're reading this, I'm probably doing it right now. So BE NICE! Just kidding. It's exciting, anyway! We have a 75 point speech, a 50 point presentation board, a 25 point final product (Sounds really low for a final proudct) and a 50 point presentation, for a total of a 200 point test grade. That can fully reconstruct or completely demolish a grade. Anyway, I'm gonna go back to worrying/planning for the final project. Vi ses!

April 24th

Today I finished up the speech I'm probably presenting right now. I'm honestly not that nervous, and I'm excited to present it. To be honest, I love how it turned out. That was just one thing I did today, the other thing I did was finsih up another project we have in Mrs. Browning's class, the This I Believe speech. I'm not so sure I did my absolute best work on it, but I really tried. I'm going to try to refine it later this evening. Next week I'm going to be planning my tri-fold board... the one you guys are looking at! Vi ses!

May 1st
This was a fun and exciting day! We started our tri-fold board. I got my "My Goals Were..." section done. I also got the title and the laptop background going as well. We're going to be working on it all next week. It's going to be all orange, because my favorite color is (and always has been) orange. I also did it to match the background of this blog right here. It should look nice! Although, If I'm honest, I really have nothing else to say here. This might be my last blog post. So to everyone out there reading this, a very nervous Vi ses!

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